Carmel Andrews LMT BCTMB
Mindful Massage, Ashiatsu, Pre-Natal, Thai Massage
Assuming the legacy role of Principal and Director of MAHA in March 2017, I have transformed my 25 years of passion and excitement for grounded and effective bodywork into a new and exciting vision for massage education. My background is diverse and encompasses clinical focus in pain management, inter-state private practice and world-class spa leadership. Many years of core curriculum instruction for the massage field are brought together with my specialty experience and education to create a program that regards current research and application, along with longevity by way of whole-body training, as the future of bodywork professionals.
My teaching specializations include Myofascial Release, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Ashiatsu (Barefoot Massage), Traditional Thai, Pre-Natal Massage and Mindful Massage foundations. I hold Board Certification through NCBTMB, and I am a member of AMTA, ABMP and the Alliance for Massage Therapy Education. I am also licensed in Texas and Washington to practice and teach Massage Therapy.
As a life-long student myself I am deeply fulfilled by engaging with my classes throughout their transformation and self-achievement as highly effective and passionate bodyworkers. Loving and being present for those I serve is the most important part of my vision for our school. I can't wait to learn from YOU!

Jay Schultz LMT
A&P, NMT, SK, Pathology, Deep Tissue
Jay graduated from MAHA in 2002 and went on to establish a thriving private clinical practice, Kihei Massage Therapy. Jay's passion for teaching lies within the building blocks of Anatomy and Physiology, Structural Kinesiology, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular Therapy and the treatment of common soft tissue conditions.
His instruction weaves together the fundamental body systems and structures with a broad understanding of movement and observation. This is the achievement we strive for in massage practice in order to be effective and dynamic in our work, and he conveys this to our students masterfully.

Dr. Maka'ala Yates DC LMT
Mana Lomi®
MAT# 996
Dr. Maka'ala Yates D.C. is a Kanaka Maoli (of Hawaiian Ancestry) who specializes in Hawaiian medicine. His studies began at the age of 6. He has been teaching Hawaiian medicine and practices for 40 years. He is the founder of Mana Lomi® and Indigenous Botanicals. Maka’ala received the Kaonohi Award in 2005 for his excellence in Hawaiian medicine and community support. He is author of "Na'auao Ola Hawaii: Hawaiian Practices and Principles of Being Well."
The Mana Lomi® technique is available for all those who are open to learn the traditional Hawaiian ways of healing. We welcome all backgrounds, beliefs and nationalities, and encourage our connection by eliminating separation. You can read more about Maka'ala at his website www.manalomi.com

Walt Fritz PT
Foundations in Manual Therapy
NCBTMB# 45109809
Walt Fritz has been a physical therapist since 1985 and has been using manual therapy (in a myofascial release-style of engagement) since 1992. After training and working with some of the well-known pioneers of the myofascial release (MFR) field, he began to move the traditional myofascial release narrative from its historical roots into more biologically plausible explanation.
The replacement of the term “myofascial release” with "manual therapy" in the course title represents a more accurate description of the work as presented. Walt has taught manual therapy workshops to PTs, OTs, and MTs since 2006 and in 2013 expanded his reach into the unique patient population of the speech-language pathologists and other voice professionals.
Rather than trying to narrow this work to a sequence of suggested techniques for specific disorders, Walt teaches a more patient-directed approach wherein educated touch, pressures, and stretch attempts to connect the patient with relevant and familiar aspects of their condition and then allows this sustained engagement to enable change to occur. His approach to manual care is often seen as different in many other lines of training, in that rather than teaching the perception of specificity of tissue impact, Walt speaks to the cascade of plausible factors eliciting change via manual therapy. He also de-emphasizes the ego of the clinician in favor of elevation of patient-driven perspectives. This shift is in keeping with the current view of the equal weighting of the triad contained in the evidence-base model of practice (evidence, clinician experience, and patient perspectives and preferences). Touch and manual therapy have universal qualities that are explainable in a wide variety of perspectives, and these explanations form the core of the Foundations Approach.

Kurt Myajima LMT
Lomi Lomi/Energetics
Kurt has been a massage therapist, massage instructor & clinic supervisor for over 20 years. Kurt’s passion for massage started decades ago on Oahu as a student of Hawaiian spirituality & healing. Kurt is also a certified Taiji & Qi Gong instructor with over 30 years of experience. He is able to fold the principles & energetics of Taiji & Qi Gong into massage. He has a practical & working knowledge of various Western & Asian massage modalities, Chinese medical theory & decades of experience applying them.
As a clinical supervisor for over 20 years Kurt enjoys sharing his experience with students, guiding and helping them grow into their massage skills in a practical setting.

Cindy Rose LMT
Thai Massage, Cupping
Cindy Rose is a licensed massage therapist and instructor with over twenty years of experience. Her private practice builds on extensive work with physical therapy offices, chiropractor's offices, health centers, clinics, and resort spas. She has taught at three of the most highly rated massage schools on Maui and continues to teach workshops, spa trainings, and private tutorials.
Cindy offers a wide variety of techniques and modalities to create a highly customized blend that will meet the unique needs of each individual. Her most specialized offerings include Craniosacral, Massage Cupping (Traditional Cupping, Silicone Cupping, Mini-Magnet Cupping Grids, and VacuTherapy Cupping), Traditional Table and Floor Thai, Barefoot Shiatsu Back Walk, Kua Lua/Hawaiian Back Walk, Bamboo Massage, Advanced Lomi Lomi, Lomi 'ili 'ili (Hot Stone), Reiki, and Reflexology. In addition, Cindy utilizes traditional styles of Swedish, Orthopedic and Sports, Deep Tissue, and Pre-Natal Massage, and Reflexology. She continues to pursue new certifications and educational training to provide the highest quality care possible for her clients, students, and community.
Inspired by the effectiveness of massage therapy for pain management, rehabilitation from injuries, and stress relief, Cindy is passionate about sharing her experience with professionals and community members alike. In addition to her private practice, she offers private courses designed for professional massage therapists and the community. Cindy has been a volunteer for Hospice Maui, Aids Foundation, Women Helping Women, Community Emergency Response Team, Maui Arts and Cultural Center, and other community service organizations. Cindy is a graduate of the Maui School of Therapeutic Massage and ITM-International Training Massage School in Chiang Mai, Thailand. She was born and raised on Oʻahu, and has lived and worked on Maui for over forty years. www.cindyrosehawaii.com

James Waslaski LMT, AA, CPT
Orthopedic Massage Techniques
James Waslaski is an Author & International Lecturer who teaches approximately 45 seminars per year around the globe and has served as AMTA Sports Massage Chair and FSMTA Professional Relations Chair.
James has developed 8 Orthopedic Massage and Sports Injury DVDs, and authored manuals on Advanced Orthopedic Massage and and his book, Clinical Massage Therapy: A Structural Approach to Pain Management, was published by Pearson Education in 2011.
James is a Certified Personal Trainer with NASM. He presents at state, national and international massage, chiropractic, and osteopathic conventions, including keynote addresses at the FSMTA, World of Wellness, New England Regional Conference, the World Massage Festival, and Australian National Massage Conventions. His audience includes massage and physical therapists, as well as athletic trainers, chiropractors, osteopaths, nurses and physicians. James received the 1999 FSMTA International Achievement Award, and was inducted into the 2008 Massage Therapy Hall of Fame.
James teaches a uniquely tailored integrative techniques module privately for MAHA students that is not included in any other school curriculum in the world. You can learn more about James at https://orthomassage-net.myshopify.com/